2008 Silent Auction BuyersThe Edmonton Oilfield Technical Society Board thank the following bidders for their generous purchases at our 5th Biennial Silent Auction. Without these individuals and companies opening up their wallets our auction would not have been successful. |
Allan Scherba | Barry Moore | Bill Klotz | Blair Kennedy |
Bob Nolan | Bonnie Zacharias | Brain Sykes | Calvin Steinke |
Cam Miller | Carolyn Vanee | Charlene Little | Clayton Charles |
Dean Dunbar | Denise Bechtzoff | Donna Meyer | Doug Peterson |
Douglas Kilbach | Dwight Whiteford | Eric Janisch | Eric Lang |
Frances Desjerlais | Giselle Messer | Glenn Hill | Gordon McConigal |
Grag Mayden | Graham Challand | Jack Savage | Jacki Skoreyko |
Jaime Trodden | Jaine Trodden | James Gallup | Jan Badin |
Joan Richardson | K Holmes | Kelvin Steinke | Ken Hahn |
Kerry Meyer | Kevin King | Kim Knibbs | Kyle Johnston |
Larry Owens | Marc Kuzik | Mathew Rolfes | Matt Jordan |
Merle Park | Mike Noade | Neil Kautz | P Schaffer |
Patrik Ondrisik | Renee Henry | Rick Morawski | Rob Cherwonka |
Roger Parent | Rudy Gruger | Sandra Pyret | Steve Faryna |
Stuart LeVoguer | Terry Condon | Terry Meyers | Tevor Torgenson |
Tim Hill | Todd Reinhart | Tracy Crosley | Tracy Lawrence |
Wayne Berube |
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Last Updated on December 16, 2014 By Myron W. Myroon, CFP, CHS